Slack Proactive


Slack Proactive is a feature designed to boost your productivity and streamline communication by providing proactive answers to questions within Slack channels. 

This guide will help you understand how to set up, use, and benefit from Slack Proactive.


Key Capabilities:

  • Proactive Suggestions: Proactively suggesting answers to questions in Slack, helping users find the information they need. 
  • Precision Focused: Tailored to deliver precise responses within seconds, to ensure prioritizing accuracy and efficiency.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Users can typically give feedback by clicking on ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ buttons to indicate whether an answer was helpful, contributing to the improvement of proactive answers accuracy.
  • Channel Configuration / Optimized for Slack: Easily manage which channels have Slack Proactive enabled with your CSM.


Setup and Configuration:

  • Configure Slack Channels: Users can choose which Slack channels have Slack Proactive enabled.  
  • Configure Knowledge Sources: Users can choose the knowledge sources Ask-AI will have access to and base its answers on (e.g. Salesforce, Confluence, Google Drive, etc.).


How does it work?

  1. Ask a Question: Simply type your question in a Slack channel where Slack Proactive is enabled. Remember, Slack Proactive can only generate proactive answers based on your chosen connected knowledge sources to Ask-AI. 
  2. Receive Suggestions: If a relevant answer is available, you'll see a suggestion pop up for you with the relevant reference links attached. If you are unsure if the answer is correct don’t worry about it, it is visible to everyone in the channel. 
  3. Share Feedback: Let us know how we're doing! Use the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ buttons to tell us if the suggestion was helpful.

    Clicking on ‘No’ will delete the proactive answers, while clicking on ‘Yes’ will keep the proactive answer in the channel with a check mark emoji attached to it.



The benefit of Slack Proactive is to provide a more efficient and streamlined way for users to receive and share information on Slack channels. Slack Proactive eliminates the need to wait for experts to reply to questions, saving time for both users and experts by providing immediate answers and completing this pending task efficiently.

By proactively suggesting answers to questions, it aims to save users time and effort in searching for information and improve overall communication within teams. 



  • How can I tell if Slack Proactive is active in my channel?
    • You will see proactive suggestions for questions in channels where the feature is enabled.
  • How can I enable and disable Slack Proactive for certain channels?
    • You can contact your CSM to choose the relevant Slack channels. 
  • What should I do if the suggestions aren't relevant?
    • You can share your feedback on the proactive answer and click on the ‘No’ button to delete the answer received and help us improve the proactive answers accuracy.

Support: If you need further assistance or support with Slack Proactive, please reach out to your CSM or our support team

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